濮阳建业国际学校 - 小学部学校简介
濮阳建业国际学校是一所全封闭、寄宿制学校,由建业集团投资2亿多人民币兴建,占地200亩,建筑面积41695平方米。该校坐落在濮阳市龙苑路西段路南。办学条件优越,装备有60个标准的现代电化教室,设有物理、化学、生物、语音、制作等多个先进的现代化标准实验室。另装备有现代特色的计算机、美术、音乐、钢琴、阅读等专业教室,有可容纳600余人的学术报告厅。学校运动场设有400米标准塑胶跑道、标准足球场以及田径和各种球类活动区。所有区域均由教育教学智能化网络系统、多媒体网络系统、信息管理网络系统予以支持,教育教学设备完全实现网络化、信息化、自动化。为培养学生国际视野,让学生走上更广阔的国际舞台,该校开通了国际升学通道。学生公寓宿舍富有生活气息,可为2000余名学生提供住宿,是广大学生温馨的休息空间。 濮阳建业国际学校秉承建业集团胡葆森董事长提出的“精品教育、奉献社会”的办学宗旨,以“教育让生命更美好”为教育使命,奉行“和谐文化、和谐人格、和谐课堂、和谐环境”的教育原则。它依托建业教育集团的强大办学优势,努力把濮阳建业国际学校打造成一所国际化、高品质、个性化的学校,为濮阳市学子提供更良好的教育平台。PY JY International School is a fully closed boarding school, which is invested over two hundred million by Jianye Group,with an area of 200 Mu, in which the structure area is 41,695 square meters. The school is located in Puyang Jianye City, Puyang County. It is equipped with 60 standard modern audio-visual classrooms and physics, chemistry, biology, language and model making labs. In addition, there are modernist professional computer, art, music, piano and reading classrooms. Its academic hall can hold over 6oo people. The school has a standard plastic athletic track with a length of 400 meters, football field, and stadiums for all kinds of sports. All the areas are supervised by the Education and Teaching Intelligent Network System, Multi-media Network and Information Management Network System and all the education and teaching equipment is networked, informationized and automated. In order to cultivate an international sight and provide a wider international stage for the students, school built a tunnel going to foreign universities. The student dormitory is full of a sense of life, which can board 1,000 students.The school receives the school mission of Quality education serves the society from Mr. Hu Baosen, the chairman of Jianye Group, setting its goal as Education makes better life,and its education principals are harmonious culture, harmonious character, harmonious class and harmonious environment. To provide a better education stage for Puyang’s teenagers, it relies on the great advantages of Jianye Education, Little Harvard Bilingual School and Jianye International Middle School, heading for Internationality, Quality and Individuation.