
北京顺义国际学校 - 国际小学部学校简介

ISB是一所非同寻常的学校,拥有近40年的卓越历史我们的使命、愿景和核心价值观都是由充满激情、高素质的教育工作者来完成的,他们都希望每个学生都能从PreK到12年级都能得到最好的教育。ISB致力于实施和维持被证明对学生的学习和福祉最有效的计划。作为一所进步的学校,我们对高等教育学生和世界等待着他们的不断变化的需求做出回应。一个决定性的特征是我们致力于受最新研究影响的出色教学,以及可以灵活选择世界各地不同教育系统的学习标准。最重要的是学校的社区意识和充满活力的,多元文化的校园,这里的学习吸引了来自50个国家/地区的大约1800名学生。基于研究的计划,高质量的教学以及出色且不断完善的设施,意味着ISB的学生为在瞬息万变的世界中取得成功做好了准备。沟通和协作是我们学生在整个教育过程中所灌输的技能,其中很大一部分的学习是通过与更广泛的社区进行互动而在课堂之外进行的。学生参与各种学习机会,使他们能够发现天生的能力,学习团队合作,锻炼主动性,并最终在ISB社区和更广阔的世界中找到富有成效的地方。ISB拥有出色的学习成果的良好记录,世界各地的学生就读于最适合他们的大学。我们致力于实现学生潜能的基础是培养每个孩子的智力,身体,社交和情感发展。ISB计划使学生具备成为生产力,健康,符合青壮年,他们选择的任何未来。北京国际学校是北京第一所国际学校,如今已被公认为领先的学习社区。在最初的阶段,我们的学校由八名学生和两名合格的教师组成,位于外交公寓楼的走廊上。1980年,随着其他外交机构的发展,美国大使馆与英国,澳大利亚,加拿大和新西兰大使馆一道加入,并正式成立了ISB。1991年,ISB成为北京第一所提供国际学士学位完整文凭课程的学校。2007年,ISB赢得了三个重要认证机构的满分:中国课程与教科书全国委员会;美国新英格兰学校与学院协会的美国海外和国际学校理事会(CAISA);国际学校理事会(CIS),这是一家国际性的,面向全球的认证机构,专门从事全球范围内的国际教育。2002年1月,ISB被允许接受外交界以外的外籍学生。从那时起,ISB蓬勃发展,并迅速成为备受推崇的国际学校,其计划和认证值得其视野的广度和深度。今天,我们的学校由大约1,700名从学前班3到12年级的学生组成,来自我们不同学生群体的大约50个不同国籍。学校在学习和教育者发展的创新方法方面继续保持领先地位。即将过去40周年时,我们为社区变得自豪,这些社区建立在过去四十年来我们学校的行政人员,教职员工,学生,学生和家长所建立的牢固基础之上。我们的承诺是继续继承这一遗产,以确保我们在未来的几年中为学生提供出色的学习和机会。ISB is an extraordinary school; made so by a tradition of educational excellence spanning more than 36 years. Establishing, nurturing, and growing such an exceptional learning community has been and remains intentional; the virtues of our school are our aspirational Mission, Vision, and Core Values. These are fulfilled by passionate, highly experienced, and qualified teachers and leaders, sharing a common commitment: we all want the very best for your child and for your family.ISB is dedicated to making sure we implement and sustain programs proven to be most effective for student learning and wellbeing. ISB is an adaptive school, willing to innovate and transform in response to the changing needs of our students. A differentiating characteristic of our appeal is our strong sense of community and vibrant campus, where learning is engaging for all our students. ISB enjoys a proven track record of excellent learning outcomes, with students attending colleges which are right for them. Our commitment to realizing students' potential is built around providing a balanced education which addresses their academic and, crucially, their social-emotional and physical wellbeing.You have my open invitation to visit our school, in order to witness the transformational learning experiences taking place here every day. You will discover that our reputation as one of China's top international schools is well deserved. Here, you will find a culturally diverse school, with more than 1,600 students representing over 50 countries. Most importantly, you will observe first-hand a school that offers a balanced learning environment where our skilled and passionate teachers bring out the best in their students. Our website undoubtedly provides you with important information about our school, and yet only through being here with us can you fully appreciate the school's qualities.Communication and collaboration are skills instilled in our students throughout their education, with a significant proportion of their learning taking place outside the classroom, through engagement with the wider community. We engage each student in a variety of learning opportunities, enabling them to discover innate abilities, learn teamwork, exercise initiative and, ultimately, find a productive place within the ISB community and wider world. They deserve nothing less.Never before has the partnership between school and home been more important. ISB is more than a school; it's a way of life. Our parents fulfil a vital role by living and modelling our Core Values, promoting school spirit, and welcoming new families.ISB implements a strategic plan; supporting and furthering our Vision, Mission and Core Values, and providing clear direction for our school in an ever-evolving educational landscape. Our graduates will live and work in a rapidly changing world; we know that our programs equip them to be productive, healthy, and fulfilled young adults。