
北京3e国际学校 - 双语小学部学校简介

欢迎来到3e国际学校,在这里中英文同时作为母语来教授,双沉浸教学环境确保了对两种语言的同等关注。通过多种有意义的跨学科活动来加深学生的理解和在实际生活中的应用,培养善于创造性思考和协作,能够以尊重和欣赏的态度自信自如的跨文化交流的学生。Welcome to 3e International School where we take a visionary approach to dual-immersion bilingual education. Here, young learners become fluent in Chinese and English in a nurturing school environment uniquely designed to develop children’s critical thinking and ability to move fluidly across cultures.3e’s program reflects research-based best practice in language acquisition and early education. Our goal is to empower children to explore, experiment and express themselves in a context that is balanced appropriately between child-initiated and teacher-directed experiences. Social competence and an appreciation of other cultures are important components of our curriculum and instruction.Children learn through meaningful social experiences and here at 3e we believe that spending time with friends after school or at the weekend, and having the opportunity to relax and explore freely are equally as important as school time and enrichment classes. All form important parts of learning and growing.Staff and families at 3e International School have an ambitious and dynamic vision of what cutting-edge education is all about.Please come and see our energetic enthusiastic learning community in action!