哈尔滨市剑桥外国语小学 - 双语小学部学校简介
剑桥小学是2001年经哈尔滨市教委批准的、由东方剑桥教育集团创办的一所全日制民办小学。学校实行董事会领导下的校长负责制。著名的教育专家、北京大学MBA导师于松岭教授目前担任集团的董事长。省骨干教师、市优秀教师陈季华任校长。学校拥有一个精诚合作、务实高效、重细节、善管理的领导班子;拥有一支由特级教师、高级教师、中青年骨干教师及专职外籍教师组成的教师队伍。2011年,学校搬入了现校址——哈平路239号,办学条件发生了天翻地覆的变化。目前,学校教学楼和操场总占地面积达16000平方米,有标准的图书室、师生阅览室、实验室、心理咨询室、棋室、综合实践活动室、语音室等,实现了“班班通”教学。并拥有与大学共享的现代化的大型体育馆。近两年,学校办学规模迅速扩大,已由原来的五个教学班发展到如今的二十余个教学班,在校生由原来的不足百名学生发展到如今的千余名学生。学校以教学工作为中心,在开齐、开满、开好国家课程的基础上,为了有效落实“让孩子成为阳光、向上、勤学、多才的少年”的培养目标,开设了必学校本课外教口语课、形体课、葫芦丝课、思维训练课和六大类、二十余种自选校本课,真正做到了以学生为主体,以人的发展为核心,以培养创新精神与实践能力为目标,发展了学生个性。学校为寄宿学生提供优良的食宿条件,宿舍实行公寓化管理;食堂营养配餐,服务优质。学生可住宿、可走读,学校备有多条线路通勤车接送学生。2013年12月,黑龙家省督导评估专家组来到我校,对我校进行了省级标准化先进学校的评估。参与评估的专家一致认为:剑桥小学是一所具有国际视野、校本情怀、剑桥人品质、精心管理、用心育人、有思想、有追求、有品位的学校。在十几年的办学时间里,把学校办成了具有一流的办学思想、一流的办学条件、一流的教学质量、一流的特色课程的较高水平的学校,这里让人感受到了实的教育、真的教育、活的教育、美的教育和家的教育。学校从领导到老师都做到了求实、务实。学校特色课程很突出、很美,特别是家的教育——领导把学校当成家,教师把岗位当成家,领导把事业当成家,学生把学校当成家。令人敬佩额!十余载春风化雨,辛勤耕耘,换来桃李芬芳,春色满园。剑桥小学全体教职员工充分发扬“艰苦奋斗、务实创新”的剑桥精神,已使学校工作走上了良性发展的快车道。学校曾被评为黑龙江省社会力量办学先进单位、区文明单位、区师德先进集体;也曾多次荣获国际ACT英语大赛金奖和组织奖、全国奥林匹克英语大赛团体奖。如今,剑桥小学已光荣跻身于“省标准化先进学校”行列!万里欲乘风,青山路更遥,剑桥小学全体师生正以“海的胸怀,山的信念”在东方剑桥教育集团的怀抱中,高歌奋进,走向未来!Introduction to Harbin Cambridge Primary SchoolHarbin Cambridge Primary School is a modern whole-day primary school established by Oriental Cambridge EducatioGroup with the approval of Education Bureau of Harbin in 2001. Harbin Cambridge Primary School implements the principal responsibility system under the leadership of the board of directors. Professor Yu Songling, distinguished educationist, is the chairman of the board, and Chen Jihua, excellent teacher of Heilongjiang province, is theheadmaster.The school has a pragmatic and efficient leading team with its members being proficient in management and good at cooperation. On top of that, the school’s teaching staffs consist of special-grade teachers, senior teachers, young teachers and full-time foreign teachers. Currently, the school has over 1,300 students, 34 teaching classes and more than 100 faculty members. Moreover, the school can boost of rich resources, the teaching facilities, first class learning conditions, stadium with national standard plastic runway, modern gymnasium and a high standard library. The school’s 26 high standard function rooms include dance classrooms, art classrooms, music classrooms, health room, computer lab, language lab, science lab, chess room, psychological consulting room, multimedia classrooms and so on.With aims of first class as its top priority, the school, besides giving all national prescriptive courses excellently, offers some required courses such as oral classes made by foreign teachers, physique lesson, Hulusi (cucurbit flute) performance lessons, thinking training courses and so on, and more than 40 kinds of optional courses. In this way, the school has truly become student- oriented, aiming at fostering entrepreneur spirit and practical skills, and at the same time, developed students’ personalities by laying foundation for their individualized development.Students can either stay within the school or be commuting. The dormitory is managed like an apartment. The canteen offers nutritious meals with high quality. With more than 40 lines of scheduled buses, the school also provides its students with commuter service. In the fourteen years of its development, the school adheres to student-centered, takes the road of running school with distinctive features and has achieved fruitful results in education, teaching and management. The school has been rated as “Harbin First-class School”, “Advanced Organization of Non-Governmental Sponsored Schools”, “Civilized School”, and “Advanced Organization of Teachers’ Morality”. In 2003, the school was entitled as Provincial Standard School by Heilongjiang Provincial Education Department.